HappyPills - User Guide
By: Team CS2113T-T12-2
Since March 2020
License: MIT
Table of Content
3.2. General Patient Information
HappyPills can help users to manage their patients’ information easily.
3.2.1. Add Patient: add patient
This feature allows you to add more patients into the existing patients’ list.
HappyPills will prompt you if there are any missing fields. Instead of having to type the whole command again, you will only need to fill in the couple of fields you missed. You can also add a new patient with the specified parameters in any order.
add patient /ic NRIC /n NAME /p PHONE_NUMBER /dob DOB /b BLOOD_TYPE /a[ALLERGIES] /rm[REMARKS]
add patient /ic S9876543F /n Eve /dob 22/05/1999 /b O-
Expected output:
ℹ | HappyPills will prompt you for any missing inputs that are necessary. |
Enter /p 91265432
to add the missing field.
Expected output:
ℹ | Entering n will abort the command and HappyPills will not save the patients' information. |
Enter y
to confirm.
Expected output:
3.2.2. Edit Patient: edit patient
Edit information of the patient with the specified NRIC.
edit patient NRIC /n<NAME>
⚠ | You can only edit one field at a time. Those fields that can be edited are in <> .
There should no spaces between the tag and the edited information. |
edit patient S9876543F /p99112233
Expected output:
ℹ | NRIC cannot be edited because it is used to uniquely identify the patient. |
3.2.3. Delete Patient: delete patient
Delete a patient as specified by the NRIC.
delete patient NRIC
delete patient S1234567F
Expected output:
ℹ | HappyPills will prompt for confirmation before deleting patient in the patient list. |
Enter y
to confirm.
Expected output:
⚠ | Upon successful deletion , patient's information will not be able to be retrieved again. |
3.2.4. List All Patients: list patient
Displays all the patients in the patient list.
list patient
Expected output:
3.2.5. Retrieve a Patient’s Information: get patient
Retrieve details of the patient with the specified NRIC.
get patient NRIC
get patient T9999999N
Expected output: