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HappyPills - User Guide

By: Team CS2113T-T12-2 Since March 2020 License: MIT

Table of Content

1. Introduction

HappyPills is a note-taking application that allows doctors to take down notes using Command Line Interface (CLI).

The application replaces all physical papers and is highly optimised for fast typing users.
If you can type fast, HappyPills can help you to manage patients’ records faster than traditional Graphical User Interface (GUI) applications.
All notes are neatly organised in HappyPills so that all your important information are safely stored.
Say HELLO to neater desks and time-saving electronic notes with HappyPills! 😊

2. Quick Start


  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed in your computer.
  2. Click here to download the HappyPills JAR File.
  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as your home folder for HappyPills.

For all users

  1. Open Command Prompt in the directory where the JAR file is located.
  2. Run the command java -jar happypills.jar. Start of Application
  3. When you start the application for the first time, you can type help to check all the available commands.
  4. Refer to here for detailed instructions on how to use each command.

3. Features

HappyPills have three main features: Patient Details, Patient Records and Appointment Scheduling.

Patient Details notes down the general details of the patient. (e.g. NRIC, name, phone number, date of birth, blood type and allergies).

Patient Records documents the patient’s previous visits to the doctor and includes detailed information of those visits (e.g. patient’s symptoms, diagnosis and date/time of the medical treatment).

Appointment Scheduling helps the you schedule future appointments with your patients.

These features come together to help you easily manage their patients’ information. You can now provide their patients with better service by being able to retrieve their patients’ information quickly and easily.

This section will elaborate more on how to use these features in HappyPills.

Command Format

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by you e.g. in add patient /ic NRIC, NRIC is the input required from you.
  • In case a tag is used multiple times in a command then its last instance will be taken and the previous instances will be overwritten.
  • Items in square brackets are optional fields e.g. /ic NRIC /a [ALLERGIES] can be used as /ic S1234567F or as /ic S1234567F /a Dust
  • Items in angle brackets indicates that only one field can be supplied at each time e.g. /n<NAME> /p<PHONE_NUMBER> /dob<DOB> can be used as /nYAP or /p91122334 or /dob18/06/2020
  • Parameters can be in any order e.g. if the command requires /n NAME /ic NRIC or /ic NRIC /n NAME
  • All commands are case insensitive e.g. help or HELP or HeLp will display all the commands and their usage.

Legend For Tags

  • /n → Patient’s Name

  • /ic → Patient’s NRIC

  • /p → Patient’s Phone Number

  • /dob → Patient’s Date of birth

  • /b → Patient’s Blood type

  • /a → Patient’s Allergies

  • /rm → Patient’s Remarks

  • /t → Time of the Patient’s appointment

  • /d → Date of the Patient’s appointment

  • /r → Reason for the Patient’s appointment

  • /sym → Patient’s Symptoms

  • /diag → Patient’s Diagnosis

3.1. General Commands

3.1.1. View Help: help

Displays the list of commands and their syntax.

Usage example:

Format: help

Expected output:


The help command is split into four different sections (highlighted by the boxes).

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3.1.2. Exit program: exit

Exits the program and ends the current session.

Usage example:

Format: exit

Expected output:


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3.2. General Patient Information Commands

3.3. Patient Medical Records Commands

3.4. Appointment Scheduling Commands

4. Command Summary

General Patient Information

Command Format
Add a patient’s information add patient /ic NRIC /n NAME /p PHONE_NUMBER /dob DOB /b BLOOD_TYPE /a [ALLERGIES] /rm [REMARKS]
Edit a patient’s information edit patient NRIC /n<NAME> or /p<PHONE_NUMBER> or /dob<DOB> or /b<BLOOD_TYPE> or /a<ALLERGIES> or /rm<REMARKS>
list all patients list patient
Retrieve a patient’s information get patient NRIC

Patient Medical Records

Command Format
Add a Patient Record add pr /ic NRIC /sym SYMPTOMS /diag DIAGNOSIS /d DATE /t TIME
List all Patient Records list pr NRIC
Find a Patient Record find pr NRIC INDEX
Edit a Patient Record edit pr NRIC INDEX /sym<SYMPTOMS> or /diag<DIAGNOSIS> or /d<DATE> or /t<TIME>
Delete a Patient Record delete pr NRIC INDEX


Command Format
Add an appointment add appt /ic NRIC /d DATE /t TIME /r REASON
Edit an appointment edit appt NRIC /d DATE /t TIME /r REASON
Delete an appointment delete appt NRIC APPT_ID
Mark an appointment as done done appt NRIC APPT_ID
List all appointments list appt
Find an appointment find appt NRIC

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